Wonders of the World Auz's signitue "why does glue not stick to the inside of the tube?" has made me make a thread....there are 7 wonders of the world, i only know the pyramids.....but there must be more amazing stuff than stuff like that like Auz's signiture.....any1 know any others?
If ur talkin about the real wonders of the world, i know them: The Great Pyramid of Giza The Hanging Gardens of Babylon The Statue of Zeus at Olympia The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus The Colossus of Rhodes The Lighthouse of Alexandria There ya go... if ya talkin about something else, o well. :groovy:
niagra falls taj mahal the pyramid that river in india? the onwith all the bodies? rocks on easter island (giant heds) gr8 wall of china victoria falls? africa?
i dont think ive seen any of them!!!! thanxs for sharin it with me though, but i did mean crazy things like fruit gettin bruises.....i always thought that was canny crazy!
i think we can safely say that spuds intellegence should be made one of the wonders of the world, i wouldnt even know how to spell them, never mind what they are!!
i think you thread "say summit about the person who posted b4 you" is a bit of a wonder.......its massive!!!!!!
iv always wondered how the fuck whales can hold their breath for like hours on end. beats me how they dont die.
There's 2 lists aint there..... those are the 7 wonders of the ancient world.... but I'm sure there's also 7 wonders of the modern world, any one know??