WHat does this mean?? Was walkin through town today when a young lookin woman stops me and starts askin me if i'd had any accidents in the last few years. Think shge was a sales persojn from Second Aid. Still bit of a paranoid wreck from the weekend:spangled: so kept head down and answered no to everything. Then she says if u where a flower what flower would you be? At which point I said "eh", she laughed and I scarpered. Can someone please clear this confusion up. Is this a well known saying that i've missed out on, or was she takin the piss cause i could barely speak :spangled:
I reckon she had done some quiz out of Cosmopolitan or Bella and it was like your ideal match (if they were a flower) would be a Rose or whatever. My sisters always asking me stupid questions like that and goin - ur sensitive, honest and caring (ahem right whatever) Maybe Im just wrong and she was being a cheeky bitch
ummm i'd be a butter cup.... cos i glow all around!!! what the fuck!! i dunno it just came into my head!!!!
U lot are bloody awful - Im never gonna go to Promise again if u lot are there (cogan spits out his dummy and kicks it across the floor) Only joking of course I wouldn't abandon promise - it's 2 close to my house and im to lazy to go anywhere else