if that was meant to say its mad how much they charge then i think its bollocks. how much do big bands get, big actors, bit sportsmen etc the big names deserve to get what they get because they've worked hard at what they do. this isn't another small time promoter annoyed that he can't afford to book tiesto is it?
Re: Dj -- FEES djs are paid a lot because a lot of people pay a lot of money t see them. the only way dj prices will go down are if the punters stop paying the money to see them so if u disagre with them there is a simple option personally i have no issue with it and think they are paid fairly on the entertainment they give to people
Re: Re: Dj -- FEES if was offered yeh a take it but a wouldnt ask for it like most do a see what there offered 1st then if agreed a agreed if a didnt not just about the money ya no u got to have a love for the music
Damn right! I do think it's perhaps a little high - the counter argument is that it costs so much to see them BECAUSE the DJ's charge so much. But people pay, I pay gladly! So as long as that is the case, then things won't change.
yes but ultimatley if the punters stop paying the money and dont go the djs will have to lowr the prces because the event wont be able to afford them
They deserve everything they get tbf. They've worked hard for it so why shouldnt they get that type of money??? there no where near as well paid as top footballers so. Good on them if they can make a living out of it. Most of them are worth there wait in gold anyway. there are a few that arent mind you but thats the industry for you.