Accidents at work One of the Factory lads has just sliced the tip of his middle finger clean off in a machine Ouch! He's been taken away in an ambulance, and we now have half the factory cordoned off with Police tape. Anyway, commotion over..........................back to work
I had i strang day at work yeasterday, i work in a factory that makes microchips and one lad dropped a pod contaning hundereds ov thousands ££££'s worth of chips (oooppppssss) then all the machines that we run is controlled by sofware on pcs which all when down so we cudnt do no work and then when we got that back sumbody smashed a fire alarm so we ended up outside for a while!
I 1st read that and though you meant Micro Chips and in McCain chips Guess you had nice easy day though if you couldn't get any work done
was a long day tbh coz i work 12hr shifts so just sitting about doing nowt gets boring after a while!!
Re: Accidents at work i there was a story like this last year in the sun and chronicle, some bloke from newcastle had chopped off his finger but the doesy bastard showed the boss how he managed to chop it off and in the proccess of doing so went and chopped of his other finger on the oppisite hand
Re: Re: Accidents at work Unlucky that like, actually, it's plain stupid! Fool Where do you work Fran? Karl51 hasn't been at it again has he?
There was a lad in a place called Marrill Engineering who forgot to move his hand from under the press.. he lost 3 fingers or something.. Poor Guy. I've had a few but I'll not bore u with them..
Ive had broken fingers, broken wrist, broken nose, dislocated shoulder and a ruptured disc in my back. All done at work on various occasions. The ruptured disc retired me from that job with mega bucks