Crash Has anybody seen this movie yet? Judging by reviews it looks fantastic so I may go see it next week.
Am I the only one that thinks this look shit? I mean, what even happens in it? The only thing there really advertising is the cast
went 2 c it last night, it was good but i wasnt really sure of the whole point of the story (which sounds stupid i know) basically its about 4 or 5 different stories intertwined in some way, rather clever, n it looks alot at racisim in different ethnic groups. which was a bit of a suprise 2 me didnt think it was gonna b anything like that lol
i think it sounds canny, quite fancy it, everytime i ask anyone to come to flicks with me, it never happens havent been for about 3 years :evil: any takers?
This is probably extremly sad but im at the pics nearly every week lol its jus something 2 do rather than going out 4 a meal, or sittin in the house bored out of ur mind! Give me a shout next time u wanna go 2 the pics love, i'll definatly go with u (provided i havent already seen it of course lol!)
whats the plot of it, is it a remake of that film where people get turned on by car crashes, cause that was fucked up.
watched it yesterday, theres was some good performances but really there was no point in the film it tackles racist issues but verry unusual ones i failed to see the connection other than racism might watch it again to see if i missed something but overall some good acting but pointless
Plot summery: Several stories interweave during two days in Los Angeles involving a collection of inter-related characters: a black police detective with a drugged out mother and a thieving younger brother, two car thieves who are constantly theorizing on society and race, the distracted district attorney and his irritated and pampered wife, a racist veteran cop (caring for a sick father at home) who disgusts his more idealistic younger partner, a successful black Hollywood director and his wife who must deal with racist cop, a Persian-immigrant father who buys a gun to protect his shop, a Hispanic locksmith and his young daughter who is afraid of bullets, and more.
was a wierd film that crash just thought about the new crash and its not that bad theres a few bits that really make you think