Getting over relationships After a relationship breakup how do you get over it??? Main three ways i can think of are 1.Shagging it out of your system with one night stands 2.Jumping into a new relationship 3.Moping around and letting time heal it
moping around is shit.. just start again.. go somewhere it's easy to pull and get hammered. loads. if you want to shag it out your system use condoms though even if they say they are on the pill! the sex educator has spoken.
Keep yourself occupied, dont dwell on things Stay with ya mates, if it means talking about it then do - going out getting smashed isnt sometimes the answer...
Yeah usually people will get hurt.i am guilty of jumping into a new relationship but it worked out ok...Suppose arguments did come of it though
Wise words John. Take ur mind off it as much as poss. Dont get too drunk Stay well away from where you know they'll be and just remember that you will be over it at the end.
...Another essential thing to do...Delete there number from your phone or if you know there number dont take your mobile phone anywhere that you may be getting pissed/wrecked
Re: Getting over relationships im about to do number 1 not going to do number 2 but have been doing number 3 for too long
dont shag around...its not worth the hassle and you'l only be trying to compensate for the lost partner, i say if you can, grab your mates and concerntrate on yourself, as you'l be hurting and need time to be ready to be close to someone, dont think you need someone neither as you'l probs find that the next special someone will come along totally unexpected.... NEVER try and replace someone straight away, you'l settle for someone that you'l find you probs dont even like and regret it, then one of you will end up hurting again, which is defos what you dont want