Boob jobs alrite this one for the lasses and lads lasses would u have a boob job or u happy with what u got ??? & lads u prefer fake boobs or natual ??? coz my mates just had hers done and was just seein what ppls opinions were there her boobs now >
the ultimate in vainness, why put a time bomb in your chest? they have ti be removed evry few years, the whole idea is gross
a got think for me big boobs me self a admit but when me m8 sarah came in a see the size a was like a couldnt belive she got them that big she here with me now she ask me to put this thread to see what people thort and there point views
I'd never consider having a boob job, I know people will say it's cos they're big enough but even if they were crap I don't think I could see the point in it, boobs don't make you a better eprson so why do you need to change them? If people can't like you for who you are then you must be doing something wrong
if it makes ya feel more confident and happy about yurself then deffo do it... i think boob jobs can look mint, when its too big it looks ridiculous. but i still have to say, el' natural is best.
it depends. Natural saggy boobs that sweep the floor are a no no but the same applies to fake boobs that seem to just sit and do nothing like stone.
aye but some lasses have fried eggs for tits, you might not realise the mental destress small tits has because yours are hoooooge
i prefer natual like, but some fake titties can be areet just aslong as when the bra comes off they dont look like size 5 footies taped to your chest
It can often be a case of people not being happy with themselves because of having a small chest though.
shes soo vain she had tits before!! why improve them?? they are only gonna be taken out in ten years time and another 3000 pounds wasted on a second job. crazy although if you have serous lack i could understand