Willy Wonka! Went to see it last night, must say it was good, i was a bit unsure of going 2 c it at first but its good 4 a laugh. Johnny Depp doing what he does best lol playing stupid, crazy, (but v.funny) parts. Took a while to get into but pulled itself together at the end. Also v suprised at how long it was 4 a kids film! Any1 else seen it? wot did u think?
aint seen it yet but will probably d/l it at some point is it exactly the same as the original but just new graphics??
I def would NOT recommend war of the worlds, it was poor. Went to see it jus after it came out n was unimpressed! Such a let down in the end tbh, the effects etc r good, but the film seems 2 be getting into full swing then its jus got a confusing, crap ending lol.I thought it would b much better than it was! One of those films that u wait 2 come out on dvd n borrow it off some one haha
i wouldnt reccomend this either was very dissapointing considering its Spielberg(sp?) i was expecting too much maybe, but a real let down imo go see STEALTH instead
sorry to say i watched this at the wkend and thought it was a load of crap !! through out the film i was expecting wonka to ply the kids with alcohol and ask if they wanted to spank his monkey (bubbles) he was creepy to say the least and the crap about wonkas childhood please give me strength !!!!!! the umpa lumpas (sp) they had shrunk even more and there songs werent even the originals !!!!
Re: Willy Wonka! awww suzy did you really enjoy it??!! wish i went to see it!! i dont think you can beat the original tho!
i went to see war of the worlds with paul and it was sooo scary the noise they make was really freaking me out man its sick. and thoses snakey things :sick: eeewwwwww!! me no like scary films unless i have someone to hide behind
scary fucking hell casy, don't think you should go and watch Devils Rejects that looks proper bad, I can't wait to see it. I love scary movies, I just wish I could get more scared I proper buzz when I'm scared
well it was!! i thought it was!! the devils what??? even the mane as me quivering could be on the books though eh i like to scare myself too!! as long as someones there when it gets out of hand!! :hug:
I prefer being on my own you get more freak out that way, but if you ever need anyone to help you through a scary movie I'm your man.
you can hold on to me all you like, however using the word skeet is definately something that I don't like my ears to hear.