River Bar. Just been down local pub down mine called the River Bar in Washington, dont know if anyone has been before but what a load of shit, used to go all the time but recently the punters have been full of grey hair. Totally dissapointing. Any1 been down before?
Was gonna try get a job there myself but the money's shite. The havelock is just as good now thats how bad it is.
was down this afternoon like it was THE place to be when i was 15/16 bit of a start off place IMO it can get really packed on a hot sunny day
Not sure now like...went down the River Bar about 2 weeks ago on a friday night, nee talent what so ever, just old women wit tits like soggy sand bags:sick:
El Rancho, used to go there all the time but it's fuckin wank, now i normally end up in the Tavern:spangled:
was down the river last night and was fairly busy like!! i think its one of only a few decent bars in washington!!
I was down there last night,wasnt bad for a sunday like,probs best bar in washie but aint got that much competition really.
i worked there n all, last shift was new years eve, then i told them to stick the job up their arse, they even had the deceny to bar me for 3mths :evil: dont really go now but by far is still the best bar in washington doesnt say much about washys night life like
the rivebar has been shit since it was done out about 5 years ago.. 70p pints on a thursday used to go down a treat as did the local slappers in the bushes out back...