Unemployment sucks. Unemployment sucks. Anyone got any suggestions for a qualified graphic designer/ qualified teacher. As jobs in these areas seem to be few and far between.
I wouldnt mock it, what would you rather teach......Science or Matchs and have to remember equations and stuff Or get paid the same and make kids run about outside, have a game of football etc....?
Have a look on www.concept-personnel.com Its an agency which only deals with recruitment for marketing, PR and design
Cheers Sean. In england they are crying out for teachers, but here in northern ireland, we have more than enough. We don't get the 6 grand either, which is rather shit. The education system is slightly different as well
Lived in boro for 3 years, put me right off Nah, the girlfriend lives here, and she works as an accountant.
Pure bollocks. There's a shit load of qualified teachers in the north-east without jobs, far from crying out!
Its very hard to get a teaching jobs tese days u kno, dont mock him, untill uve tried to find a teaching related job. The only kind of teachers they are 'crying out for' are those subjects with a shortage of teachers such as IT and science.
If your desperate you should sign up for temp work with an agency, if you find a permenant job you only have to give them one days notice (you do at NRG anyways)