New car Just been accepted for a new car (well 2 years old but new to me), Saxo VTR for £4995 from a place called car shock in gateshead Drive away on tuesday
wasnt there a programme on t.v about that place? i thought it was a bit dodgy? not to busrt your bubble or owt mind
Re: New car me m8 has one,,jus a go cart wit a roof m8!!! standard interior aint up too much an thers no room in the back,,,,,however its fast as foe an geet small so u can chuck it around at will...£5G good price n'all
had one of these years ago bought it brand new on an S plate class cars nippy as oot hew chuck it all over and it sticks to the road was only group 7 insurance if i remember rightly vts was group 14 or something stoopid like that
£1000, no no claims though which is why No convictions either like but that is through Admiral who are a good company... once i get a couple of years no claims i'll be sweet.
Some companies wouldnt touch me cause i had no no claims, fair do's if you have no no claims and convictions but i dont. Its only group 7 aswell
Re: Re: New car Not the exact one but this is what it is like: although that is an older model it is that colour and has those alloys
Re: Re: Re: New car very nice fella bet ya happy with that be fuckin nippy 1.6 vtr me mates got one done up fast like
Re: Re: Re: New car well uve gotta stock up on sum bangin ard house so we can hear u comin from a mile shite,,,forgot ur already the premier dealer of HH,,,YOW