Everyone who was banging on about how the death penalty should be returned What do you think about this mornings "Shaken Baby case's" that have been quashed. Some of these case's where originally sentenced as MURDER and the person executed if the death penalty was brought back!?! These people are now classed as innocent and have been released??? This has just pulled up outside to collect you and your theory's.
Re: Everyone who was banging on about how the death penalty should be returned jesus christ a liberal fascist. I've seen it all now
its a bitch ova devate ur starting there m8.on 1 hand yes sick fuckas who commit hanous crimes should b strung up but main draw back happens to b weather a jury of 12 ordinary people will get it right everytime....my opinion is no-ones perfect weather ur a juror or a maniac so wrong desicions r made more often than u know about.i think it boils down to the fact humans make mistakes so wrong convictions (as much as its horrible to say) r a fact ov our legal system n it would b terrible if innocents were sentanced to death for somthing they didnt do however if ur girlfriend killed ur baby how angry would u b n would u not want her (in the heat of the moment) to suffer the same fate? like i said "bitch" ov a debate .
Im against the death penalty for that exact reason, many innocent people have been killed and THEN found innocent
I agree, but I think is would be more entertaining to put criminals in a sort of running man scenario, the winner gets to stay alive. New running man film every week fucking quality that would be.
eye for an eye and all that lark if they are found guilty then beheaded and later found to be innocent well its too late to do anything about it now just get on with your life
wud beat tha shit out of BB,,,or u cud mod BB in2 a Run away from BB,,,wud love to see most of them lot chopped up
well since the film is my brainchild i wud require 30mins with a "fully titted" orlaith b4 they recieved the blade!!
yes,it would be a bonus.......as would capitol punisment for kids at school,the cane,black board rubber thing off back of heed my mother is a prison officer,she has to read in depth reports on inmates,in the papers they say they did this they did that,in real life they are some real sick fuckers who deserve to frie or hang. inside jail they are just as bad as on the outside...my momma takes no shit and just gives them a dig outside camara view,go mom mom ovousily its down to the courts,if your a serial killer chopping fish bait in your cellar then yes,if you just shot a man/woman,then no,but get life,as in life,not 10/15 years.....