Who goes, you decide! Who do you think will go, and who would you like to see go?? I have a funny feeling Orlaith will go, but would like to see Vanessa booted out!
Hopefully Vanessa really, she looks like shes putting her tounge in front of her bottom set of teeth ALL the time and talks like a mug, all in all her BANTER and SKEET is shit (AYE I SED IT)
how she got past the auditions is beyond me like her fucking crack is shite :evil: all she does is eat sleep piss and moan :evil:
Vanessa is getting worse. Laying into everyone behind their backs as if she has a right to go on about how two faced people are being. She's going to be fucking huge once she gets out and realises how much everyone hates her and see's what she's actually like (if she's not so stupid that she sees a genuinely nice person on the BB playbacks). Serious eating disorder heading Vanessa's way.
I'd like to see Makosi go. Shes so full of shit. Shes the first ever person i've voted for to be booted out