****** grrrrr I'm in a foul mood today, got an early night last night as i had a late night the night before and my dickhead bitch of a flat mate decides to come back at 230am mortal with 2 people shouting and laughing, proceeding to wake me up, had to be up at 7 for work aswell :evil: My fuse is fucking short today Rant over.
Re: Re: ****** grrrrr Aye i told them to fuck off, they did but i didint get back to sleep till about 330, she apologised this morning but i'm still knackered
Re: Re: Re: ****** grrrrr you wanna get some cd's banging out tonight at about 2-3 in the morning and see how she likes it........ oh but that means u cant get any sleep AGAIN?
Re: Re: Re: ****** grrrrr I know a nice place that you can rent, prices vary throughout the year, but it has its own pool etc.
Re: Re: Re: ****** grrrrr u dont wanna move out fella do u pay most the rent and the flat ot house in ur name if so u wanna get him told or kick him out
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ****** grrrrr well if it keeps going fella then u wanna move out u can only put up with it for so long if i was u fella if its happening all the time a move out rent somewhere or get a mate to rent with ya but make sure its in ur name so if there any hasel or out u can kick that person out
make sure its a lass u share with so y she payin rent ya can also shag a so u get 2 thinks for the price ov 1 lol