Fucking fantastic!!!!!!!! It's my last day on placement, I hand in my last bit of uni work this morning and I'm off out tonight! Yay!! :groovy: :angel3:
Im not well today, stiff as a board and i ache all over Oasis on thursday, and Rammstein last night, might go clubbing this evening and finish meself off
morning, im just glad its friday, as always got meeting at work soon but wont b for long im hoping then will finish bout half 3-4 i think :groovy:
im fuckin pissed off. gran rang the house this morning bout half an hour ago for some fucking phone number she had wrote down wqrong. now i cant get bk to sleep didnt get to sleep til bout 6 this morning either.:evil: :evil:
wo wo wo wo wo wo wo its friday sat next to a dippy bint at work but winding her up wihtout her even knowing take it easy today and not work to hard for once lol roll on tonihgt haribos wine and grub and girly gossip
Morning Im very tired this morning!! Didnt get to sleep till quite late...:spangled: Cant wait to break up now only a week left Sick of it though I dont want to be inside I want to be in the sun!! Glad its friday though :groovy: Not too sure whats happening tonight yet... Need to get on the phone today x
Im miffed as to why despite having hefty sleep pills to knock me out, I still woke at 6am I wanted a lie in
tonight = local pub and a kebab Saturday = gym, swimming on morning (to work off the night before), then gg see ya there fino sunday = recover
im tired as fuck tonight, didnt get to kip til about 5ish! just gonna chill out till later on then i have work at 4.