that issue of mixmag/ministry where... ..they have a quiz about try-hards etcs! am writing last chapter of diss on club subcultures and this would be dandy! have sifted through copies but don't fink I hung onto it damm damm
can i read a copy of the article when youve done it? mail me a copy or sommat? i would like to read it, u r good @ writting... ta...johnny...
Re: that issue of mixmag/ministry where... hmm, another writer on the board? Would be interested to see what you do, sounds cool. :groovy:
erm, not x-actly a writer.... i worked as a clubs editor for a year, now a clubs contributor while I finish my degree... but, my 'piece de resistance' is (obviously not French), but my dissertation is entitled 'Then They Strut, What the F**k?!: Club Cultures as Sites of Resistance'. I've been grafting on it for what seems like a lifetime now and it's just coming to a close, then out in the big wide world for me (ulp!)
ps thanks to all for your help, scanned in would be greaaaaaaat! or pauly if u could drop it off at mine sometime soon-ish, maybe sat?
yep if you don't get it scanned i'll drop it off before sat. actually if lee goes to his gran's tomorrow or fri he can drop it in coz it's just up the road init!
Bastad eh? Had kinda given up by the time I had to submit my dissertation, still, it's always easier if it's something you're interested in. If you ever get stuck or need any info drop me a line and I'll see if I can help
thanks mate! maybe I could send you a copy for a interested scan/some constructive crit? tutors very good but obviously not v scene-tastic! failing that some pointers in the right direction job wise, if not an actual job always welcome, as I shin up the greasy pole that is media!