i was having an interview at the time of the silence, felt canny wierd. i was telling the wifey why i was right for the job then the alarm sounded and i shut up for 2 minutes then continued. got the job like, must have won her over with my sparkling personality RIP
At least you were silent though! I was on me lunch.. managed to stay silent though. Ignored everyone who talked to me..
We observed it across the university... however - the builders in the JCB flattening 2 portacabins in the SU car park were merrily tooling about smashing up the buildings and trying to squash the left over rubble into a small skip...
:chill: out Jessica was just saying the lack of respect shown IN THE NORTH is shite. As usual as it doesn't effect people up here directly the tend to forget with the....."it will never hapen to me" attitude.