Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by casy, Jul 12, 2005.
Snazzy! What a belter word!!!
Casy = Random
jus heard "cushty" for the first time in years the day.
i am the meaning of random!!! :angel2:
you are like
i still think you can not beat WAXA
don't be late Casy
call it a draw???
am i ever :angel: its a close call like!! still SNAZZY though!!! winner!!!
I like snazzy as well. Wicked and slick are pretty snazzy words too!
i think its overated. my fav saying at the mo is "say what". thats a badboy you get me.
"its all gravy"
ouch. update spence. UPDATE.
slick is a corker like!!!
you know it!!
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