Would You Go On Big Brother? Would you go on Big Brother if given the chance? I reckon i would seriously lose the plot and turn to murder/crack if i was couped up in there with those lot , especially after Kamals performance in that g string yesterday
Nah I wouldnt, if I wanted the nation to see me naked at least twenty times in ten weeks I would do a photo shoot and make money from it - rather than spending 10 weeks in that hell hole only to come out and realise all u can really get is some shite kids tv presenting job or become a topless model...
I'd DEFO go on Big Brother! I was gonna go to the auditions @ st.james but was in holland for me birthday!
sexually confused people from minorities seem to go down a treat so there's one board member that instantly springs to mind
i'd love to... but i spend most my time picking my nose, scratching, staring at cleveage and other strange habits... i wouldn't want that broadcast to the fooking world. he says printing it on a messageboard BUT however - i'd like a "here's your best bits..." compilation VT off Davina...
who says people would would pay money to see your boobs? bracken gets to for free anyway, he told me.
If it meant being off work then aye, id probs get caught wanking / picking me nose / nicking womens underwear / farting / burping and the likes but so fuck - would be quality entertainment I can imagine getting contact from the outside world like they did last night wi me mam on the screen : "John you still havent fucking paid that £23 pound you owe me you **** and no fuckers staying here for a long long time"