Giving Blood: The Aftermath Gave blood for the first time tonight Didn't hurt too much, Scott only cried for the first few minutes he did the second fastest bag of the day in 5 min 35 secs so is now in pole position for the next round Mine took about 15min coz I have little veins apparently..bleeurgh Questinaire before hand was class 'Have you ever been given money for sex?' 'Well, not directly, but he paid for all the drinks and the taxi home so I kinda felt like I should' Seriously though more people should do this, half hour out of your day, lives saved and FREE BISCUITS!!
I should after the amount of blood that was given to my mam when she gave birth to me little sister, if it wasnt for that she wouldnt be here now and altho she had to stay in hospital for months after she is alive and necking the smiths to this day However can you imagine someone getting my blood after a Promise/Vuzz weekender :spangled:
I was going to! I mentione dit not long before you did (spooky). But Ive just had a tattoo a few months ago and they wont want my blood Does it knack??! I hate needles!! :cry2:
Re: Giving Blood: The Aftermath how long bloody hell well done. i wud of fainted at least ten times during all of that
nah tis fine I winced like a big girl though..stick a piece of metal through my toungue in the name of fashion and I'm fine, a teeny medically administered injection and I'm squealing If you wait six months after your tat you can give blood
I had blood test this morning and that was ok so guess I should do my bit and go give some of my blood to help others:angel2:
last time i went to donate i was told i couldnt because of my diabetes, but ive read up on it and everywhere it says there are no problems with diabetics giving blood