Nissan Anyone ever worked there or know anyone who does. im applying, so could do with some info about the place.
aye cheers, ave got an unc that works there and one that worked there for years like, seems like slave labour but worth it.
NISSAN .. i used to work there m8 , did for 10years straight from school .. dont get me wrong it is okay ££££ but they work the arse off you .. its paid for my house and most of the equipment i bought but i found i had no time to use it all .. that was back in the day though when day shift was 7.55am till 5.05pm and nightshift was 8.40pm till 7.15am .. i was there when the new shifts came in aswell , their okay but its still a slave camp .. GOOD LUCK m8!!
yeah ave heard its like a bad day in burma 1944. to be honestif i can stick it al be well chuffed. heard you can do 12 hours a day 4 days on 4 days off or 7 till 3:18, al take either. cheers mate
i just started there working in the bodyshop which is easy for me,unlike others who have started who have never done hard work or even touched a spot welder or mig welder there guna struggle,while im slightly ahead,way hay,more money,same as what i do now working less...perfect job
days are 7am til 3.30 ish (or bit less,not much,about 4 minutes) lates are 4.30pm (ish) til latest 12.45am (ish) thats it,appart from other shifts which dont matter to most, gone are the days or working thru the night,im most looking forward to late shifts,itl go quicker cos im a nightbird n fuckin hate getting up 6am,boo hiss
my experience of Nissan sums it up nicely. I was sitting in reception waiting to go thru for a interview/test when a worker was carried past me on a stretcher clutching his stomach in agony and trying not to be sick. A Jap ran past and went into a managers office telling him what happened. The Manager burst out of his office walked straight past the bloke on the stretcher (not noticing him) heading to the line. I heard him saying "aaaaaaha he hasn't been sick on the car has heeee?" Reminded me of Bridge Over The River Kwai. All in all tho, If I was 18 again I would consider working there for a couple of years and blasting a few mortgages out as its great money.
very very true i did it for about 2 years and was the last "temp" on my team to go when the new primera flopped i have seen people have a piss in a bin on the trim and chassis lines because they were not allowed to goto the toilet ive seen shitty kegs in the toilets from people who could not hold on long enough i was building the engines on the engine line to be fair, there is a few cushy numbers about, but there mostly taken by people who are sick/old/past it temps these days dont get the full wage do they? i heard they were all in through an agency which paid peanuts and had promises of a permanat contract at the end of it dont be fooled, you get taken on today as summer is busy jobs will go just before christmas, thats just the way it is the feckers rang me 3 times after they got rid of me asking me to go back, told them to shove it and went next door to johnsons controls to build the nissan seats more money due to loads of overtime and less stress/work left johnsons when sumthing better came along and have not looked back to be honest i actually liked working at nissan/johnsons, nice to have a challenge in your life if you can hack it, seen a lad leave his pull down gun hanging a bit low got caught on the engine and went down the track, till it popped off and came springing back at such a fucken pace hit him square in the face, he was 1 station up from me, knocked him flying and knocked him clean out what did the supervisor do? did his job for him till he came around and then put him back ont he job with a few paracetemol 2 weeks later he was bladderd only thing i think is worth doing the nissan route is for the CV at the end of it Nissan on your CV is GOOD IMO walked straight into the next job without any tests, and night on walked striaght into the next/current one with no probs either
temps get same money,no outside agencies i think no wonder you didnt realy like it (if you did say that) working on engine line,i did a trail there 3 year ago (never took job then),fuckin hated it,chasen engines,puttin bolts cross threaded into engine blocks,then just turned windy gun speed right up , just to get the bolt in,fuck taking it back out. now in bodyshop were i know what im doing stand in a spot,not running around chasen cars,bit easyer
engine dress is pretty harsh i think we were doing about 360/cars a shift if i rember correctly one of my jobs was to whack the drive shafts in with the palm of my hand 720 driveshafts a shift and they give you a wanky little wightlifting glove thing with a pit of rubber padding on it to stop your hand hurting plus i was doing the alternator and the pas pump belts in the same process you get used to stuff, was a piece of piss in the end, could have done it with one hand theres 3 or 4 jobs belonging to engine dress but there on the main line, just before the engine gets fitted to the car, last job is to pick up the discs, callipers, bottom arms etc etc and fit them to the shafts, so the engine boys can lift the whole lot up they give you a crane but they dont give you enough time to use it line speed goes up, and your carrying them fuckers by hand all shift, primera hubs,discs,callipers and bottom arms wiegh a fucken tonne in johnsonns i was picking up bits of foam for the seats and puttting them on machines did not mind the overtime with it being so easy made 25k in the first year but its never enough is it