Winner Just got my exam transcript with a breakdown of my marks and for the 2 exams I had on the same day when I complained about my back pain they have jsut counted my coursework so got a first for on eof the modules when the exam was rock solid
It's a shame I hadn't known earlier or I would've worked harder on the other coursework If I hadn't done 2 finance modules I'd have got a 2:1 god damn my stupid choice of modules :evil:
heheh, I know how that feels, My final year project (worth a third of the year) interested the markers so much that one of them is making his own but some of my other modules were absolutely brick and wish I hadn't taken them Find out next tuesday, I'm either gonna drown my sorrows or get royally fucked
you shouldnt get such a hang up on degree classifications. there is still a lot of class system discrimination out there and often at big companies it all depends on where you went to university and how well you are doing in your job as opposed to the degree class you walked in the door with. I actually know people who got 3rds and scraped passes who are now earning more than socially inept people who got a first from the university of STOKE me i got a 2.1 and am deeing alreet tho I'd rather have been in property 5-6 years ago tho :evil: :evil:
And so why I decided to go to the University of Durham - good reputation, hopefully I'll get a good grade too though!
IMO you can't really compare peopl's degrees unless you are comparing with students from the same course at the same Uni cos there is no board to make sure they are the same standard. UMIST is quite respected for it's Management school though so should do OK especially as we're the last year to get our degrees from there And I'm already in property so am doing OK
with chebs like yours if the education and property go T*ts up you will have something to follow forward on (only joking)
Ive been chasing up my money from them for weeks now they finally got back to me today saying they'd follow it up :evil: Could do with it for my holiday spends
I really need the 2:1 because I'm wanting to do an MSc and thats the minimum needed to get the place on the course. Saying that, waving the three and a half grand tuition fee in front of their faces should work
The Masters course at ours was 5k I'm sure, not that I even considered it like, I couldn't stand doing any more time down there Will miss the lazy lie ins though :cry2: I was jsut glad to get a degree cos I was gunna quit after the first term but managed to stick it out and I didn't deserve a 2:1 cos I didn't do enough workso a 2:2 is all I deserved
Has anyone got a pic of the chebs they can post. I am a purv I admit it but I recko they are canny like. if youve got it flaunt it and al that
are they the ones at number 10, her right one is better than her left one. If only I was in cyprus at the same time damn a week too late, bet they look mint bronzed up to the max Can you stilll vote or is votingclosed now?