ive got the next one down, utterly shit - ive had nothing but hassle with it and everyone i speak to says the same.. samsung phones are arkward as hell to use and lack many ridiculously basic functions like copy and pasting numbers into text messages... ive never had a worse handset or network in o2...
I've got one and its shit hot, the video calls are immense but that might have something to do with the camera on my phones its the best around, the screen resolution is also the best around so that might also have something to do with it.
On my d500 you can paste numbers, its easy - in the menu when reading a text just click paste or find>address (where it searches for an address or number within the message) and bobs your uncle. its not as obvious at first - address would imply an email address, i just found it faffing on. If you have the E800 it should do it too though.
Another vote for the 7610 here... Best phone I've ever had.. its got loads features and its symbian orientated which means you can get loadsa downloads off the net for it (such as games and applications) Other than that the K750i looks the dogs bollocks..