Did anyone read The article in the sun today about, how they managed to buy, 1000 bank account details from some dodgy fucking india fool in a call centre in india. They claimed he just went and got them from his work then just offered them to the under cover sun agent, for hardly any cash. Another reason why call centres shouldn't move to india.
As much as i despise the fact that these companies have outsourced i'm pretty sure things like this would have happened involving British workers. The media couldn't wait for something like this to happen
Have to agree with Marce. Its far too easy to walk out each day with a bundle of account or card numbers. Obv its fraud, so you'll get locked up!
they get 2grand per year, if i wanted your bank details i could get them, and im skint as owt. Imagine what companies/dodgy people could get. This is why i was against it in the first place.
No. I used to work in a call center for a bank, dealing with any amount of card/account numbers. The oppotunity was there if I wanted it.
ditto... i take hundereds of card numbers a week. some people come on the phone a throw their details at you before you know what they want! im sure someone with a dodgy side could start scamming a few people
Just look in the bins of any caqll center that takes credit card numbers and find all the note pads full of numbers, they are meant to get them destroyed but it costs too much and they end up in the normal trash PAULS TOP CRIME TIP
its so true, i work in call centre and always take payments etc. we are supposed to shread anything with details like card no.s etc but i dont think anyone ever does
Yeah I used to work for Northern Rock- A hundread bank account details passed through my hands every day! Its to easy so it could happen here or India really!
dunno if the real way these details was sold has been posted so here goes...it turned out to be a 3rd party company who sell things over the net & therefore have to have card details or bank details...they were then being sold on by the workers!
No it wasn't, look at my previous two posts. That company has nowt to do with any bank details, it is an internet indexing company, and has no British customers. The worker was stitched up by The Sun. Xenophobia in Britain has risen. Share prices in quite a few of the indian out-sourcing companies fell as a result (possibly allowing R. Murdoch and chums to buy 'em cheaply perhaps?). I fucking love this country, rule brittania.