Boss's Do you get on with your boss? I wont tell you how I feel about mine atm :evil: Grrrrrrrrr! Why do some of them think they can just treat you like shit? There’s just no need at all!
i cant stand mine arghhh! she's always blackmailing me. say for example if i want a 4hr shift off, iv gota do a 9hr one in return!
i hate one of mine from my current well nearly ex job the way they think you can treat you is horrific had shit news today and then wen i rang to tell them they wee like we need to speak to your doctor bla bla bla bla dont think manages have any soul black hearted grrrrrrrr really annoyed right now
It sucks. My boss has already had a couple of complaints made about her. Its ok when she's not stressed, but then she's :evil: :upyours: Yeah yeah, rub it in why dont ya?!
I actually don't mind my boss. The only problem is that he never worked 'at the bottom' so to speak, so he always imposes deadlines on us to do certain pieces of work with absolutely no idea about how long that piece of work even takes us. Thankfully he's starting to understand that and is trying to be more realistic with what he throws at us. He's pretty understanding.
Though I've just realised the bastard made me run down Cloth Market yesterday and get my picture taken.... see page somethingorother of the Chronicle.
My boss is spot on, always has time for me and did a lot for me before i'd even started working for the company
I have always got on with my bosses. Part of the reason I have been successful in interviews is getting along with the guy interviewing me right away.