Bad References I know you're not supposed to give a bad reference for a job BUT I have been asked to give a reference for one of my tenants who I always have trouble getting money off especially for bills, am I allowed to give him a bad reference saying this?!?!
Well one of the questions they asked was does he pay rent on time so I just said yes but I have trouble getting money for bills as have been told he has money troubles.
give him a good reference then he's out of your hair, and you don't have yo put up with his shit anymore
I dont think your aloud to give a bad ref for a job, but for tenants...? Just be honest but dont slag em off to much or they'll just think you've got a problem with them anyways... If they dont pay on time it's important to say so - end of the day do you really care???
Just tell them he's a right fucking loser then go on, it'll make you smile for at least 1 minute... Oooo i'm in a horrible mood today
I don't think he could afford to take me to the chip shop on the corner let alone to court I only otld the truth that he doesn't pay his bills but his rent is fine as it is by direct debit and I said I would recommend him for a tenancy Just to make sure I get rid of him
if you would feel guilty about giving him a bad reference just think if his next landlady was a poor defenseless old woman