Is Trance coming back?? Iv heard loads of good new tracks recently and people like Jules are sounding fucking great (even his R1 show!)...... I am also loving In Search Of Sunrise 4. I have big hopes for the summer!
Well Ive just won that In Search Of Sunrise 4 on radio 1 and Ive heard some tracks off it which are kool.
Im not that keen on ISOS4, pretty boring. Markus Shultz's Miami 05 cd is a corker, so is Trance Republic. Askews cd is d'bollocks. There will be some absolute killers this summer I'd imagine, as there's a lot of new emerging talent all pulling out the stops on current productions.
loads or mint stuff coming out soon. a few of my faves include: jpl - a place called home talla 2xlc - manifesto (van eyden vs morph mix) leon bolier - rose terry bones - eternal unity hoping for some even better stuff in the next couple of months
Trance hasnt went anywhere but it has been a weak year so far. However if the likes of the new SMith & Pledger, Joop, E-Craig are a sign of wots 2 cum this summer we could b in for a corker
it may be coming back, the only problem ive seen with trance is that noones individual unless they make their own productions, as soon as a good track is out everyone knows about it and buys it, whereas in other genres you can search for ages and find good tracks noones heard of, if you enjoy just playing the music then thats cool i still download some trance, but its a hard genre to stand out in imo
I don't think it's the music that's the problem. It's the "fans" that seem stuck in the same PVD > Tiesto > Armin cycle, only travel to big events and only buy the records they hear the "big 3" playing.
exactly, but its a vicious circle, the djs will only play what they know the fans want to hear instead of venturing out, which means every trance dj plays the same records almost, having exceptions ofcourse
Hell yeah Bought mick it for his Bday some amazing tracks on there ISOS is unreal imo tho! Try listening to it when the sun is shining and you've had a heavy one the neet before it works wonders. Especially CD1 s
i might buy the markus schultz miami cd hes amazing to be fair, his coldharbour sessions cds are lush
Is Jono the best Trance DJ in the world atm? PVD isnt ripppin it up like he used too and Tie$to is playing whatever pays the most. Who else is close to him??? Armin??? havent heard owt from him for a while but thats just me