You know things are wrong in the world when...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by magicpaul, Jun 7, 2005.

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  1. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
    Likes Received:
    in my lil magic office....
    You know things are wrong in the world when... are being lectured on your musical knowledge by a trance DJ! :lol:
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Guest

    trance fans have awful taste in music FACT.
  4. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
    Likes Received:
    in my lil magic office....
    Apparently Richie Hawtin does not play techno...he plays electro-prog?! :confused:
  5. Guest

    Richie Hawton IS REAL TECHNO.
  6. Freddy Flintoff

    Freddy Flintoff WE MISS YOU JOHN

    Oct 12, 2004
    Likes Received:
    People who get into 'genres' need shooting, you like and play music you like regardless of 'genre'
  7. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
    Likes Received:
    in my lil magic office....
    There are very few DJ's/producers who are difficult to pin to a particular genre who do it well. :wink:
  8. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    so... does Mauro play techno?
  9. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
    Likes Received:
    in my lil magic office....
    No he plays trance you fool!
  10. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
    Likes Received:
    with dollops of techno! :lol:
  11. Luke

    Luke Registered User

    Feb 2, 2004
    Likes Received:
    In the studio
    this is what i have to deal with...
  12. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
    Likes Received:
    in my lil magic office....
    highlights include:

    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    anyways we are gonna make some minimal techno luke

    :: Luke ::. says:
    im not making minimal techno

    .:: Luke ::. says:
    it's uninspiring, poorly produced crap

    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    well make a "better" minimal techno tune then!

    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    i would love to hear your take on what they are doing so very wrong

    .:: Luke ::. says:
    no, because it wouldn't be minimal would it

    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    it's poorly produced because it's minimal

    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    yet it is supposed to be minimal

    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    it's like saying prog shuld be more trancey

    .:: Luke ::. says:
    they could still use better sounds

    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    it's not called minimal for nothing you know?!

    .:: Luke ::. says:
    because the producers don't have the skill to fill up the sound spectrum ?

    .:: Luke ::. says:
    or they haven't learned anything new in 10 years ?

    .:: Luke ::. says:
    the closest thing to well produced minimal techno is benni benassy and thats chart drivel thats overcompressed to fuck

    serves me right for asking a trance producer to make a techno tune :lol:
  13. Luke

    Luke Registered User

    Feb 2, 2004
    Likes Received:
    In the studio
    whole unedited convo:

    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    anyways we are gonna make some minimal techno luke
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    but you need to understand it first
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    no we're not it's shite
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    i'll put some stuff onto cd for you and you can listen to it loads
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    eventually it will click
    .:: Luke ::. says:

    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    you owe me
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    but i don't wanna do it until you get what we're trying to do!
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    im not making minimal techno
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    WE are making minimal techno
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    u can
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    ive gave u over 5k worth of software
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    i can't do it
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    ive been producing for 4 years, nobody taught me!
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    yeah but i haven't got 4 years
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    i want it done now
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    my musical taste will have changed in 4 weeks never mind 4 years
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    not much i can do bou tthat
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    yeah there is
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    make a minimal techno tune with me
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    problem solved
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    my wishlist @ juno is well random
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    everything from marco bailey, to electro to minimal stuff
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    thats your problem
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    i dont like tunes unless they have good basslines
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    you don't have to like it luke you just have to understand it
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    listen to those tunes
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    they are only 1 min long
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    it's 11 anyways tell her to get up
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    the 2nd one is lush
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    they are shit
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    im hungry
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    they are mint
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    what's wrong with you?!?
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    how can you not like this stuff??
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    it's uninspiring, poorly produced crap
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    and i thought you had a broad musical knowledge
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    hard house tunes have more layers
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    it's not called minimal for nothing you know?!
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    because the producers don't have the skill to fill up the sound spectrum ?
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    or they haven't learned anything new in 10 years ?
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    you don't listen to a james holden tune and go, mint a kick and some fx, fucking great... coz there is so much going one
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    so how comes these producers/dj's get paid thousands to play all over the world and you play in some shit hole in newcastle?
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    how come shit like pretty green eyes gets to #1
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    it's hardly an apt comparison
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    or people who make porn sites get a lot more than u!
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    sorry like luke this stuff is clearly way beyond you
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    same token ferry corsten is not playing some shit hole as u sweetly put it
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    its about having the rep behind u
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    that doesn't make sense luke?
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    did you mis out a word in your anger?
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:

    .:: Luke ::. says:
    same as pvd
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    by the what?
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    what the fuck are you on about you've lost me like?S
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    in fact you lost me at...
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    your argument is these people that can't produce properly are playing allover the world and getting loaded as a result and im not because i dont make crap music
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    it's uninspiring, poorly produced crap
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    no that wasn't my argument
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    ferry corsten plays all over the world and gets thousands
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    and he can produce
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    its about reputation, not the skills
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    as tiesto demonstrates by clearly being shit and #1 world dj
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    my argument is that who are you to say they don't produce properly when they've probably sold more records you've heard and play more gigs in a month in different countries than you play in a year.
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    i bet when they were 19 they hadn't though
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    fame doesn't come overnight
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    but how the fuck can you say something like "it's uninspiring, poorly produced crap" when they have sold xxxx records and play in xxx different countries for xxxx thousand pounds and have xxxx thousand fans.
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    it is
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    compared to your cheesy gay trance it might be
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    celion dion is a talentless fuckwit who's vocals are auto-tuned in the studio
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    but not everyone compares everything to your cheesy gay trance luke
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    she sang the themetune to arguably the most successful film of the last millennium
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    and what's that got to do with minimal techno being "it's uninspiring, poorly produced crap"
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    that's not your argument
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    in case i typed that sentence wrong i don't think i was presenting an argument?
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    i was merely posing a question?
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    its proving a point
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    that it doesnt matter what it is, if people buy it there will be fame + success
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    and money made
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    you are slating a whole genre of music because you don't "get" it
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    no, im slating it because it is drivel
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    and by your standards those who pioneer it can't produce properly
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    same as im slating celine dion
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    and it is crapply produced
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    on both accounts
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    but people are prepared to buy it
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    it;s like saying a film must be written like this
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    a book must be written like that
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    you can't go around saying creativity has to be a certain way
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    it's not
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    "you can only paint pictures like this"
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    fuck off terry
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    it's that the music hasn't evolved
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    it is simple
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    it's supposed to be simple
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    boringly simple
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    with shit standard patches
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    that set u sent me
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    they are simple tunes and the dj's are technical as fuck with them!!
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    all them sounds and fx are basically turn a synth on and that's what comes out
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    no synth programming required
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    luke i am not in the slighest bit arsed about the technicalities of how they are produced
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    they sound good and that's all i care about
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    then you have highlighted one of the underlying faults within the genre
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    the people who listen don't know that it could be done better
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    but then again, if it was done better, it wouldn't be "minimal"
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    it woudl be good
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    luke you're missing the point completely
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    it IS minimal and is SUPPOSED to be minimal
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    it's like saying prog shuld be more trancey
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    they could still use better sounds
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    that top sample
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    well you make a "better" minimal techno tune then!
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    i bet you fucking can't
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    they are all basic 808 drum sounds that come like as the standard drum kit for fruity
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    i would love to hear your take on what they are doing so very wrong
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    the vocoder used, uses a carrier signal with the synth set to saw initialise
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    stop trying to confuse me with technical shit
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    the track doesn't have a bassline
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    the 2nd one is better
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    go on then make a minimal techno tune how they should be made according to you
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    no, because it wouldn't be minimal would it
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    so luke what's your point then?
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    i doubt i could get to 5 minutes and not be falling asleep
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    it's poorly produced because it's minimal
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    yet it is supposed to be minimal
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    and if it was properly produced it wouldn't be minimal
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    you're talking out of your fucking backside mate
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    i refer you to this.....
    .:: Luke ::. sends:

    .:: Luke ::. says:
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    out of all the bassdrums in the world
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    they all use something that is as crappy as this

    Transfer of "BD.wav" is complete. [crap bass drum sample that comes free with fruityloops]

    .:: Luke ::. sends:

    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    scroll down

    Transfer of "BD_2.wav" is complete. [crap bass drum sample that comes free with fruityloops]

    .:: Luke ::. says:
    you can't tell me that them 2 samples aren't some of the crappest you have ever heard
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    luke they are fucking 1 beat
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    i do not produce music
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    put repeat on then
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    i do not give a fuck
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    can't in itunes i don't think
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    the closest thing to well produced minimal techno is benni benassy and thats chart drivel thats overcompressed to fuck
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    that first tune is like satisfaction without the bassline
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    you really are clueless
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    it is
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    listen to it
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    you intelligence level on this subject insults me
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    when u can produce minimal techno, and believe me going by them samples it ain't hard, come back + have a conversation with me
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    those samples aren't mono either, there is no width to the sound. it's completely mono
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    i was gonna post our conversation on the promise board to demonstrate your ignorance
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    go for it
    magicman...magicman...does whatever a magicman can... says:
    in fact i will post the highlights
    .:: Luke ::. says:
    you will only make yourself look stupid
  14. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
    Likes Received:
    in my lil magic office....
    I feel sorry for anyone who actually takes the time to read our bitching :p
  15. Chris_Spence

    Chris_Spence Registered User

    Mar 29, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    :lol: :lol:

    good read!
  16. mentalbarter

    mentalbarter Registered User

    May 16, 2002
    Likes Received:
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. Alexander

    Alexander Registered User

    Jun 12, 2002
    Likes Received:
    To be fiar like luke your a bit of a cock if your think minimal music is badly produced because all the 3D stereo field hasn't been used.

    Making use of space in your mix, is a tool that a lot of very experienced producers use to create mood in there tracks.

    Just because its not trance you think it's bably produced, thats not a very good thing to say if your a producer.

    Think you need to widen your horizons a lot, because the only way you can get ahead of the game and be original is to use other ideas and approches to producing.

    If you stick to what you know you will fizzle and die very quickly. Nearly every trance producer does this bar a few which is why lots of people have lost interest in trance.
  18. Luke

    Luke Registered User

    Feb 2, 2004
    Likes Received:
    In the studio
    i listen to a lot more than trance i'll have you know.

    and to be fair, i blame paul's shit taste in music as other people have since shown me a lot better produced and interesting minimal tracks; for example

    you obviously don't know me at all, and i do make a lot of other stuff apart from trance, just because i don't market it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    and as far as space goes in a mix, i totally agree with you. paul's idea of minimal doesn't interest me at all, and if you think im a cock going on one convo, (where me + paul argue for the sake of it to fill in time anyway) and you obviously don't know me at all wouldn't it be best to keep your comments to yourself.

    i can certainly remember you being the know it all to george hales, bren-f and myself with that crappy track u produced and posted on here; and the ahead board i think arguing what your music teacher or whatever had taught you was gospel and not what actually works better.
  19. graham

    graham Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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  20. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
    Likes Received:
    in my lil magic office....
    Shite taste in music?!! :eek: :(
  21. Luke

    Luke Registered User

    Feb 2, 2004
    Likes Received:
    In the studio
    the proper techno b2b was cool ;)

    if there is a repeat it won't be minimal, could happily go to sleep to it. as u say real techno people hate trance, we gotta give some hatred back :lol:

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