Wax On Last Night Was unreal. Was at a posh black tie do with workup at Gosforth, thinking 'gutted im gonna miss this'. Hadnt really arranged anything, but DJPaul texted me sayin he was bored and wanting to go, so i arranged a cab back to mine for 1230, sloped away early, got changed at mine and made it down to Foundation for 1250. Annie Mac was superb. Hightlight was deffo 'Leftfield - Space Shanty'. An absloutely unreal tune for 94/95, which i basically credit with getting me fully into dance music. So it was class to actually hear it in a club. I was goin loopy! Then Layo & Bushwacka. Cracking cracking set. A few familiar tunes of their own, which i cant really remember the names of now, 'Let the Good Times Roll' was in there i think, anyway i was totally bolloxed, been drinking since 530 a mixture of all sorts of things. Not many familiar faces about tho. Snack was there, The Fozz and the return of Johnny the Foundation Airloom. Great night! Left Paul at some afters just getting his tent pitched. I didnt know anyone and was knackered.
wish i could have went, but with flights to pay for so im skint got hernan, desyn and felix to come tho before i go away tho, are you out for them?
After it got played think i sent texts to about 7 or 8 people! Confused most of em. Just did that myself and listened all the way through. Quality stuff. Just reminded me, Anthony Pappa playing 'Open Up' at Turnmills last year.
Were Layo and Bushwacka not on for 5 hours? It said in the metro they only play for at least that long
it was class, u done well vin considering u were drinking from 5. I must have danced for most of the nite, the tunes were well gud. Ended up staying up all weekend!!!