2Night - Round the g\fs helpin her with college work Sat - Probs workin in the mornin then gettin the beers in for fight night!!!! Get in! :samurai: :beer: Sun - Recover and do my own college work for monday. :computer: Quite looking forward to it tbh.. should be nice and relaxed.. hopefully!
I'm doing nothing at all gunna be well boring, will be banging my head of the walls by Sunday I really need to revise though so really hope it's not sunny or else I'll wanna go out :cry2:
Tonight - not sure probs a few :beer: n :chill: Tommorow - chillin in day, out bowling then to dans on night :chill: :drunk: :spangled: Sunday - BIRTHDAY, out for luch then probs recovering from Sat night
Re: Weekend! I just hope my Mam doesn't read this! Why you put after the other week? We both decided that it wasn't nice enough, so we'd go shopping instead:spangled: I'm doing what she's doing lol. Apart from not going to Dan's, I'll be cooking, and think I'll take Aaron swimming on Sunday morning
tonite - as just said in the other posts sittin in tonite in prep for tomorro tomorro - off to coloursfest sunday - depending on how i am after cfest i shall either be at a party or i shall be home tucked up in bed
- it's a quiet one. Fun and antics next weekend though, I'm gonna be havin' it large, wanking off hamsters.
I should go out to my mates really - his rents are away! I just look out the window and think ahhh!! Major soaking there. Saturday - working through the day and sleeping on the night Sunday - Bed Monday - Ahh cos.... ....Tuesday - Last exam Yeah baby
Fri - doing as little as possible Sat - doing some shit for work during the day then just off out for a few pints round Yarm Sun - Finishing the stuff i have to do for work then probs doing my washing on the evening