tired i really am tired claire, today i cant keep my eyes open and ive just got into work im gonna b useful today
I'm feeling bit like that today, just like I haven't woken up at all Sure will be fine after few cups of Coffee Just can't be arsed and thought it was Friday- GUTTED
i wasnt gonna get up this morning but i havnt really got any flexi time to waste my eyes r stinging grrrrrr.
just wait till after your dinner hour when you have had some munch..... ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:sleep:
awwwwwww :hug: its probably just with you being awake a lot over the weekend thats why im still sleepy :angel:
I havent done well this week, i have been later than usual most days when really i should of got me arse into gear It's not as if i havent had any sleep at the weekend cos Fri/Sun/Mon i slept like a baby really ?!?! Its shit crack when ya done in and there's hrs to go at work, am off monday like so i think ill probs sleep all day ish then
im feeling dead tired by 6 oclock every night and ive done nowt apoart from mon when i was at work like. but im back at work tonight.
im feeling well awake all the time now, its mint. just watch what you eat, dont be eating bread/rice/jacket potatoes/anything with carbs in. makes for a different lunch having low carb wraps from morrisons and stuff but it makes the difference, concentration levels shot right up
I noticed that like, when I was on a healthy trip I was wide awake and generally in a better state than I am now. I need to get back to eating healthy again..