Ferking gutted......... Esure is dropping rotund filmmaker Michael Winner from its much derided but highly effective advertising in favour of a little blue rodent called Mister Mouse, which will form part of a £20m campaign. The former film director, who was behind the 'Death Wish' movies, has written, directed and starred in the insurer's advertising since October 2002 when the group shifted its creative in-house. Winner has made Esure a household name and his phrase "calm down dear, it's only a commercial" a national catchphrase. The new campaign, which remains in-house, will focus on the promotion of a rebranded Esure.com and features the Mister Mouse character that was introduced by Winner in the latest TV spots where the director plays himself and Mrs Winner. The new icon is a "stop-motion" character, who will appear in television, press and poster ads from tomorrow May 25. The Mister Mouse character, created in-house by Sian Vickers and Chris Wilkins with animation by Vinton Studios in the US, will "represent the internet age" and "is a fan of Esure rather than an employee of Esure". However, Winner might well be back. Esure said that the move "doesn't signal an end to Winner" and that he continues to be involved with the brand. "He will feature again and he also remains with us as an important adviser. However, for the moment, Mister Mouse is the right icon," Esure said.
I'm sick to death of hearing "calm down dear...its only a commercial".......it pisses me right off:evil:
them adverts were mint! beats the regular boring tripe. that and the mouse-trap-esque honda adverts were the only ones that could hold my attention having said that im not insured by esure and don't have a honda...