I know you don't really care but.... ....my tonsilitis is getting loads better!!! This means I might be able to call in to Sunday Trading for a few hours and I might be able to see Steve and Richard on Monday!!! It also means I have to go back to work!
Mines a lot better now,i can actually eat.The only bad thing is though,av got to go back to work. Ive tried to convince the doctor that i need urgent medical treatment but hes having non ov it......So back to the shit hole on monday. Then Promise to look forward to on Friday P.S get well soon Mick
and im getting worse the past few days ive gone rappidly downhill now im bed ridden with bad cough sneezes sore throught chest and head wobbily legs and my eyes are killin. Fuk man:evil:
Its back...the bastard tonsilitis is back i say....i knew it would come back.....now am necking the penicillin to try and get rid of it by friday. Symp please.
Iv been really sik 2 i just hope it gets better b4 fri knowin my luk il b bed ridden... that wont stop me wel at least i hope it wont
AAwww you try and get better for friday jewels.thats our mission,To get better by friday 9:00.thats our task for this week.lets see if we can pass it. Whats wrong wiv u anyway?I hope akira's looking after you!! Has he gave u a bell yet?ding ding....Food now!!lol
awww bless yas all!! i know this looks like im jumping on the bandwagon but i HONESTLY have a dead sore throat 2!!! have already had my tonsils out tho! :spangled: me thinks all u poorly peeps should stay at home fri n stop spreading your germs!!! hehe only kiddin!
YEY!thats the spirit!iv had bit of a sore throat+been sik quite a bit but nothins gona stop us wer on a mission+i dont care how ill i am or ne1 else is evry1 better b out or il get pinchy 2 nip u all:evil: (pinchys my pet crab i got on the beach by the way )