Re-ocurring nightmares I woke up this morning crying again after having yet another re-occuring nightmare! When i was little about 8yrs old i think, i had this one which was about a man my sofa with a gun behind the cushion and he was gonna shoot me (this one went on for a few years) I had one about freddy cruger Not long ago i was having ones where planes were being crashed into objects/hillsides/or just the ground and i had to hide behind stuff to avoid being hit by the fire wave that was coming at me (like on the movies when cities get wiped out) The current one is about CHARVA's! They pick on me and stuff (they are only about 8-14yrs old) and they break into my grandma's home and taughnt her. Last night i was out for a meal and on the way back i dropped a friend off at her house and they followed me up to my grandma's but when i got there they were having a charva party in her house. breaking stuff and generally causing her distress. I started manhandling them and throwing them out but that just made it worse. they kept breaking in and i couldnt stop it happening and they were AWFUL! then the police came and they disapeered! I HATE CHARVA's!!!!! :bang:
Do you use patches, first time i ever tried to quit smoking i used patches and they gave me the worst nightmares i could possibly imagine! They made me start smoking again! I am a social smoker now and only smoke when i go out, but if during the week my brain was weening itself from the nicotine then surely i would have nightmares everyday? I had really bad nightmares everynight for about 3 months once when i was about the point at which when i woke in the morning i just smiled and said "mint no nightmare!"
No i used a book to quit but its really hard if you smoke dope i ended up hooked on buckets to the point i was smashed out my face from moment i woke up till i went to bed 10 days with none now tho woohooo turning back into an alchy tho lesser of two evils lol
I've had one for years where I'll be in a situation that means I really have to run (usually for my life) but seem to cover a distance of about two inches per second. It's the only time I ever get distressed when I'm dreaming when I have one of these fucking dreams. I hate them.
I hate re-occuring nightmares... i keep on having one where me and my family are going on holiday, we get on the plane and the plane hits turbulance... kids are screaming then all of a sudden the plane crashes ... ...but I'm the only one who survives
Where u really need to get away but you can't run fast at all and u feel like a sloth? I've had that before and its horrible cos u know u can run faster yet ur not
Speak for yourself! But aye, they're the ones. I hate them because I know I should be able to leg it but can barely move at all.
mine dont really get the running thing although it does happen sometimes, mine are more about i'm punching really trying hard to kick there faces in but i hit them softly no matter how hard i try and they just laugh at me....this happened with the charva's in my dream last night!!!!
had a nightmare about zebedee of football factory wrapped in the bandages just after i watched it scared the shit outta me...smack my bitch up is the scariest song ever