ive never been to amsterdam really wanna go sometime soon. the flights r quite cheap aswell tho with klm from newcastle aint they?? shame easy jet dont go there
I'm going there (and spinning) on 2nd May, the day after Queen's Day....gonna be ace! Try not to get fucked up as soon as you get there - have a gander around the museums, Anne Frank's house etc....it's a beautiful city & the lifestyle is amazing...as for teh women - holy shit! Every one's a stunner.... Also - if you're stoned be careful crossing the road - there's crazy shit happening in every direction - bikes, trams, buses...you never know where they are coming from next! Also beware dodgy types who come out after dark, trying to sell you heroin & charlie and shit - just politely decline & walk away. Anyway you'll love the Dam!
Eye, dont look he dodgy crack dealers in the aye. Watch out for a crazy bearded bloke who plays a guitar with 2 strings. He will sing a song about anything you ask him too. Magic.
haha that the one that sings fast as fook n makes the words up as he goes along ?? " if ur sick of me singing just tell me to fook off like all the rest"
Thats the fella ! Also a young lad with a bashed up face who says to you "please dont laugh at me becuase I am from France" A few of us were sitting in Hunters Coffee shop a few weeks ago and this old tramp comes in, sits at our table and drinks the dregs of the beer. He is wearing these glasses with no glass in and gets this massive spoon ladle thing out of his pants, bangs it on the table saying "Crack ! Crack, I am crack" and then bent the spoon. Mad place like
haha the place is crackas like , there are loads of people tho that start talking to u pretending to be all friendly n that but are really just after spare change !!! Also i wouldnt recommend anyone buy owt off any shady street characters as one of my mates was bumped last time !!!
It's the spoon bending bit that proves he's mad - otherwise I would have said he was perfectly sane like....
get ur self to zaandam, take train from central station (only cost 2 euros) go to hemkade 48!! quality. i went to a little town outside amsterdam, we went to club called de waakhamzeid, its look as if its set in a house, but once u go in its canny size. was class to, was oldstyle hard trance, hardcore, hardstyle and gabba. hard as nails, but was fun.
Had to re-book this but we're flying now 0610 flight from the toon, means i'll be sat in Barneys by 1000 for Brekkie with a big fat :chill:
the most important place to remember, is where you're staying. This is no koke as everywhere looks the same. Just a load of streets parallel to eahc other with a cannal going down the middle with loads of shitty horrible bikes tied to the fences. Also watch out for the trams - They creep up behind you on purpose if you're stoned as there's no warnings or sounds to let u know ur gonna become tram food. rld is a special place too, but u get some well dodgy (not you ) characters. That includes the big fat black mamas that u wouldnt touch if they were paying you! Also, check out the Dolphin. It's a little coffee shop where u dont drink coffee and it's themed like an underwater skunk cavern or something... loads of buds n that moulded into the walls and ceiling its a great setting for a :chill: - also got those vapourisers or something. I hear the heiniken factory is good too.. u get free drink! And that keepy ups guy is class.. he sits there doing keepy ups while sittingdown nd i hear he even climbs up stuff whilst doing it
Been told to take a tram to a place called the Greenhouse, its one of the few 'coffee shops' that sell alcohol, has good tunes, leather settees and fit barmaids
BUMP http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/world/country_guides/results.shtml?tt=TT004040 Check the weather this weekend (top right)
never been to the dam... but thinking about going with the girlies for my m8s 21st, either that or ibiza
place called 'Sin Alley' in the light distict. An alleyway about 50m long and a few feet wide. Women on either side and a proper squeeze to get passed other blokes cumin from the otha direction - dirty!!!
im off to the dam on monday best thing to do is dont make plans just go with the flow and dont underestimate how strong the smoke is that first j sends you sideways esp if you normally smoke resin but once you get used to it