Jules is an entertainer. Only one of a few people I've seen who truly looks at home behind the decks. Yeah he plays some cheesy shite at times but to be honest I always enjoy his sets.
to play traffic with face down ass up !!! he will always be an arse . as for rob what a guy lol he rang the police on that very shoe back at shauns sisters lmfao
haha , that was hilarious !! Mick was the highlight of the party tho , climbing up those stairs with bob the builder
greedy buggers bring your own next time you stay at mine,instead of scrounging off strangers on busses
no good taking them 2 urs u cant make a brew ha he and i bought sum 4 ya last time i was up walked shop in snow got attack by them little kids
haha the local militia, there was a shit load of them outside the shop getting people to go in for lambrini last time i was there. can any of yous remember the butlins staff at M.E.N. being *****?
Average! Not shit but not mint I've seen him play blinders but i have also seen him play utter shit! I think to be classed as good, you need a level of consistancy which i no longer think he's got Defo not shit though
with out doubt Judge jules a legend he play sum blinding sets down the years .... but not gd as he use 2 be heard play @ view venus past couple months ... didnt like his set @ GG just gone only one tune he played was gd
hes certainly not bad, he obviouly liked what he does and ive seen him play some good sets, i put average
was excellant 99 and 2000 when i went down to a radio1 dance party in southport....2 best sets,not on very long but rammed in some class tunes that now sit proud in my collection
didnt see any of the wigan lads down there...by the time i got home i didnt even want a cup of tea...I bought one at a service station 15 mins out of manc and i was that wrecked i just took my last mouthful when getting off the bus at durham...mmm cold tea
thought he was class at gods last easter at telewest arena. seen him a few times since and each time i think he's been shite. plays some good tunes but more often than not fucks evryone off by puttin accapellas over the top (like he did with robert nicksons spiral) in my personal opinion he's done alot for the scene but i dont rate him his as a DJ anymore and would say he's now shite to be honest! gets the big crowds in, fair play to him, seems to get all the charvs though unfortunately