Super Casino (FARCE) It has went from the whole nation going to get swamped with them, to there being 8 built in different parts of the UK & now Labour have backed down to Tory pressure & there is only going to be 1 (ONE) built. It is a fooking joke From the FT, Thursday: Britain stands to miss out on billions of pounds of investment by international casino operators after the latest U-turn on the government's gambling policy, analysts warned yesterday. With the government cutting the number of Las Vegas-style resort casinos it will allow from eight to one, Deloitte, the professional services firm, said gaming groups would look to invest elsewhere. "The UK will no longer be on top of the US gaming industry's investment list," said Alex Kyriakidis, head of tourism, hospitality and leisure at Deloitte. "The US operators, many of whom have made substantial investments in land options, will channel their development dollars in other emerging jurisdictions such as Macau and Singapore."
Re: Super Casino (FARCE) They have backed down but i rekon if this one Casino they build proves to be a hit then Labour will have a good argument for building more and more, this is a just a start they are very sly.
defo m8!! rather gan 2 the bar!!! were turnin in2 a mini-america anyways which aint gud at all!! owt that slows it down is a gud "thang"!!
a heard they love the olde brown ale over there,,me father was sayin they had it on tap wen we went over but being 11 i couldnt really walk in the bar an ave a goose meself,,,(would have kicked off an started a brawl!!!!!! )