last night was well quality, above & beyond were unreal, played bling bling, sand in my shoes, noone on earth, err cant really think at the minute, completely wired :spangled: matt was quality too, finished with 'not over yet' canny smashed me like
im flyering this afternoon mate, probs 2-4ish or something. then off home to get a wash & stuff, be back at vuzz for 8. nice one youre coming down, im gonna try and not get too :spangled: :spangled: before tonight!!!!
Well strike me down with a hot iron, i didnt think you could do it but again you have come up trumps and proved how much of a fucking arsehole you are Congratualtions mate, enjoy it while it lasts.
coming on a message board stating your smashed is canny sad like so go away and stop boring me, have a fight or sumit.
i have no idea who half the people are on the board and what they look like. i wouldnt know who to talk to.
:spangled: its not as if i came on going 'i had 5 of these, 1 gram of this' ect, i wasnt boasting about what i did or how much i'd done. nothing in that post even hinted that id taken any drugs, id just drank all night and was pissed as a **** writing that. i post on here & have crack with mates that are on here about nights out & stuff, which is what i was doing. im not just some wanker that annoys everyone else.
Very wot???? dont take it personally im only messing about, i just find some posts on here a bit sad and pointless.
He has not had a clue since the day his poor mother gave birth.. think he may have been dropped on his head as a small child