Friday Come on then ladies and gentlemen lets have the friday night thread....we had weekend but I wanna hear about friday... Whats on the cards?
im at work till 9 then im going to 'darlo' to stay at stu's as we're off to london in the morning .... well milton kenes (sp)
in a nutshell ...bulletproof / work / glastonbury tickets that and dodging the newcastle house mafia..
:wiggle: :wiggle: :drunk: Kinda sums it up but: Drinks and Pizza @ Linzi's Then a night of boogeying to Matt and A&B at the Shack
Pro evo 4 with a few sprinkles accompanied with a plastic bottle some water and a stratigicly placed hole couple of cans and maybe gawd cant believe im gonna do this go down street OMG :bang: :bang: :bang: Wheres that gun
you got that right francis tonihgt will be a night to remeber i think its orbits plan to get a memeber of a&b back to my gaff for fun lol it worked last time but i think the sights he seen and his leaving comments might make him not bother but nevermind dont think aaron is coming over before hand he will just b mincing at the club wen we get there oh bring down one of your cds please the one with dark side of the moon