It always pays to check your drawers... It's all well and good leaving behind used toiletries and the like in your chalet, but visitors to the recent Tidy Weekender decided to leave something extra.... Click *Edit* Beaten to it...
It could have been a lot worse for the kids, there could have been some hard house CD's left lying around.
all circumstanstial they could of been there for months (unlikely, but also possible). also for starters i'm guessing there would be more than one person per room. even if they were to find prints as far as i know that still wouldn't be enough to convict without a confession or witness statements to the effect of identifying the owner. sleep safe tidy kids.
Well, so far it only seems to be the Mirror who's had the 'exclusive' on this. I can't see it making major headlines to be honest, it can't be the first time it's happened, surely.