Cv Tips i'm putting a cv together and it's killling me..anyone got any tips for effective CVs..apart from putting 'flexibility' under your hobbies and interests..
cheers dude it's not anything as exciting as a media job, just some part time stuff while I do my journo' qualifications. usual crappy low wage call centre bollox, sure lap dancing would be a quicker fix option.
I used to lap-dance in Dusseldorf for bored Japanese businessmen, made quite a few pfennigs out of it If you know what job you're after, google for the job title plus "cv tips" (eg customer service cv tips), and also google for covering letters, there's loads on t'internet
CV pet peeves: - People who put "pass" instead of their actual grades... - People who write shitty personal statements... - People who put "reading" etc., as their hobbies to try and look intelligent... - People who can't even spell "Curriculum Vitae" (believe it or not I've seen a couple!) I'm sure I could think of some more if I put my mind to it! As you can probably guess we have had some truly awful CV's!
but I really do read, loads and loads... ask anyone, the pile of books by the side of my bed is massive.. currently reading 'enduring love' by ian mcewan, 'belle du jour, life of a london call girl', j g ballard 'crash' and a graphic novel by art speiglman.
I also read, but I think it's a bit of a cliche to put on a CV!! Then again, what do I know! I've actually never written one in my life (except for someone else!).
well I can't exactly put down 'ace blow jobs, animal tranqulisers and collecting scurrilous gossip' can I..
hahahah what has my PR office been telling you.. It's a course in lapdancing, if they offer a job like I could be tempted.. At the end of the course you get to put a show on for your nearest and dearest, get your tickets now...LOL
thought that was pretty crap tbh. theres a better book by a french woman (i cant remember her name) about her sex life which is far
i was expecting some good bedroom tips but it was just her whinging TBH Nancy Friday's books on men and women's fantasies are quite good, some of the men's were suprisingly complex, not just boobs boobs boobs boobs
yup, i thought she was trying to "shock" but just not getting away with it. also, i thought it was badly written. but that's by the by...!
most of the clients sounded pretty tame, I'm sure it can't always be that nice. The Sexual Life of Catherine M was the title of the other one, kinda lulled you into a false sense of security with a nice gentle build up then whhoooooompppp cocks and cnuts. Shall we start a book club..