it has to be said thats the way to make money out of an idea, lets face it its well worth the $600 someone has paid for it cos the guy aint lieing, he says it dosnt work, and it would look well mint in someone's house as a but of artwork, I would by one, it looks class!!
ha ha i cant believe some idiot has put in over $600 for a toaster with afew buttons on and claims it to be time machine
'if i buy this and go back in time with it and buy it agains will i have two, or will the first one disappear when i travel back in time, and if it doesn't i could just keep coming back, buying yours and stock pile a mountain of these pay for an infinate number of these i would of course have to bring back the lotto numbers with me and use that money to keep buying these from you over and over again , i will keep getting more and more of these and you will only get paid once...that kind of sucks for you but i will be RICH'
Q: I can't decide whether you are a comedy genius, entrepreneur, conman or just a complete twat. Which is it? A: im just an average guy who just happend to found a time machine under his house.