Weird Dreams ? mine are completely Twisted ... honestly .. totally fucked up. Aliens and all sorts of strange things going on .. some even feel real ..
The weirdest dreams ar the De ja vu dreams, like when u have one, forget all about it and then about a week later u have one of those totaly mad days where everything goes wrong and u suddenly realise that this situaton or place where u are u have been before, cos u dreamed about it, it freaks me out well and truly and of course the worst dreams are the ones where u see things happen to people and the next day u find out that it really did happen and ui saw it exactly as it happend to them
about 6 months ago when i was canin loads i used to get wierd dreams, one was i went deep sea diving, the person infront of me touched a rock on the floor then turned intoa zombie, then one by one everytime he touched sumone they wud turn too, i sumhow ended up on the cycle track near my old high school, my dad came up to me and asked if i wanted 2 double cheeseburgers from mcdonals, i went ok and kept running, then sum person i knew knocked me over by accident when he was cycling past, my dad came over to me with a plate with 2 slices of pie on it.