according to the GG board........ crasher are opening 'gatecrasher three' in leeds later in the year doesnt really say much else apart from that like, could be interesting tho. weekly classics nights anyone??
I'd heard that elsewhere too. Uropa's been empty for years - about time something was done as its a good venue. (With the right people/tunes )
I have, it's not in London. I don't know how much of what I know about this subject is privileged info so I'm gonna keep my gob shut.
i heard a rumour they were doing something in newcastle actually, from people who said they were 'in the know'. Rob??
I don't know how much of what I know about this subject is privileged info so I'm gonna keep my gob shut.
Re: according to the GG board........ i heard it was going to evolition in leeds as joint project between sundiss and crahser
Re: Re: according to the GG board........ its at uropa and i think SS will host nights there, but its crashers club as far as ive heard