Saw Don't read on if you aint seen it yet..... Anyone else seen this? I'm a bit confused by the ending. I know what has happened but thinking back to the bit the two coppers busted the den place has left me a bit confused. Who was the bloke in the cape at that point? It surely wasn't the gimp from the hospital. :think: I'm not sure I liked the ending.
Re: Saw wasnt it the man who was lying dead on the floor in that room thing with the two men, but he wasnt really dead??
Re: Re: Saw Yeah it was He was the bloke in the chair under the cloke when the coppers busted the place. Who was the gimp running in the cape or am I denser than you?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Saw Your made to think all the way through that it's all that phsyco from the hospital, then at the very end you relise it's the dead man on the floor - the man in the cloke is the dead man, its the dead man who did everything - he just roped the looney man into one of his plan things to make the looney man relise the importance of life...
Is the man on the floor (the killer) not the same guy who was hooked up to machine thing with the screws aimed at his neck (as a cover)? I should have never started this thread
saw is a bloody awful film with hammy as fuck acting, not really on topic but this film really does define overhyped to a tee imo
hmm...i dont know who the man was who was hooked up to the machine, but the man in the cloak who set the machine off was the man lying dead in the room
I thought it was totally mint the ending was immense how the killer got away, more films should have the killer win. The only thing that let it down was that cheesy guy, who couldn't act for shit.
shit film, tired plot and ever so predictable.. you can see better acting on coronation street.. or sesame street for that matter..
I thought it was ok, but the bit where the woman has that thing on her head and its gonna rip her head in two bits if she cant unlock it quick enuf, freaks me out :cry2:
Its a great plot and the fact the killer gets away at the end makes it even better. Agreed tho that some of the acting in it is terrible