Invisible wristbands Apparently these are the next 'in' thing in wristbands - anyone spotted appearing NOT to be wearing a wristband of any sorts can be deemed cool as ice.
lol wristbands are one thing, but ppl who wear suit jackets and jeans really boil my piss. whats next? fucking dress trousers and wellington boots ala worzel gummage
doesnt it just look absolutley fucking shit though, like they been taking fashion tips from Jeremy Clarkson. all they need to complete the look is a pair of winkelpickers
You get lots of that round here- bloody rahs! Why can't Durham have some normal students?! Mind you, they all dress the same so it makes them easy to spot (and avoid)
Looks fine just ignore the UBER wanna be cool and trendy gang as soon as someone else wears something 'they started' its not cool anymore