Distant Shores Any one else watching it? Only reason I'm watching it is cos my cousins ex-husbands son stars in it (Justin McDonald, who plays Ben). Used to be mates with him til family troubles.
Re: Distant Shores kyle i completely mis read that and thought u were talking about your ex husband. how confusing!
Ferox, Justin is my girlfriend Jasmines brother, presume you know her? Had to go round the house to watch it with about 20 family members last week.
Yes I know Jasmine, haven't seen her in about 10 years or something. I am Kyle, the cousin of Jasemine's Dad's (Duncan) ex (they weren't married I don't think, just engaged ) ) Jasmines dad is now doing a piece of art for me - a Warhol style print of me in a fermintation bin when I was 2
I got told he was in something on tv a while back but couldn't remember what it was... it'll be well wierd seeing Justin on tv! I definitely check out the next one.