Nat from this board must of opened his wallet / scored ?!?! Its all i can think of to trigger that sorta noise
I could hear it too but I wasn't anywhere near willing to forfit my sleep for preparing for a nuclear attack or something.
when i used to live up in t'hills in between t'sheffield and t'huddersfield there was a huge huge outdoor pipe factory a few miles from my house.. cos it was that big, the only thing they could do to let the workers know it was lunchtime etc. was to sound this air raid siren... took me years to work out what it was.. you live near a bg factory nasser?
There's industrial estates around ours but they never ever do that, it was only 11 ish too. One of my neighbours was discharged from the army because it was all getting to him and he was having kittens, as well as the elderly woman next door to him. The germans are coming!
It was probably just a safety test of one of the factories warning systems! There's a chemical factory down the road from me, and they do it from time to time.
Nass stop trying to spead confusion and dismay behind the enemy lines. Are you a insurgent in disguise?