Club Visuals/VJs Reading an article in a magazine about VJs and there uses in clubs, with the coming about of DJVs and the latest technology from Pioneer hitting the market are VJs gonna be a thing of the past Also do you actually care what is on the screens when you are in a club, when i go in a club i like to have a chat to mates and have a few beers (maybe more..) and maybe have a boogey, to be honest i dont really care if there is some trippypattern blending into a darlik on the screen! maybe that is me being old fashioned but i'm not to assed bout visuals discuss
Re: Club Visuals/VJs JZ has had a go @ the Bomb in Nottingham, was quite good I was told. Suppose it's the next level, me and JP have been working on some visual stuff for a few months now, it's coming on well.
also though the big question (which i cant really get my head round) is if your playing a copied cd it wont have any visuals so wat will it look like in a pioneer DVJX?? surely the screen just cvant go blank, so wud that mean puttin visuals to every tune you own on cdr?? bit of a ballache imo when there is aleady some1 doing it and u aint gettin payed any more to be the VJ as well if u choose to be leave it to JZ imo
thats my understanding Fake, we were looking into it. Jus is right it's just a toy at the moment good idea but I think audio & visuals are two different jobs.
Re: Club Visuals/VJs I sometimes like to watch them if they're decent and I'm tripping a bit. Much more fun when they they all melt into each other and the walls around them.
I reckon when there good there really good... when their anything less they might as well not be there. Done right they add to the atmosphere, even if your not directly watching them.
id much rather see a nicely positioned camera over the dj booth or in the dj booth then some crappy swirly patterm oin the boat on nyd they had camera positioned ver the dj booth, they had it last year too and its awesome when watching djs scratch or mix
the bomb in notts is minted! there intruucing loads of vdj sets at stealth on there renaissance nights also. likes of sander k , zabeila, i think its class and brings more life to the club, specially with zabielas genious behind it, much more than just flashing images. must be seen
we went to see the faint play at evol in liverpool last year and they blocked off the back of the stage while they played with 2 massive white canvas', and had visuals (with images and words etc) which matched each song they played in time it looked very impressive and really added to the show!
i think its gash! it takes the entire aspect of the dj playing music away, fair enuf for those just standing around they have something to watch, but who goes out to watch telly? and for those standing around, if they have something else to do, it makes it alot harder to get thier attention. video is for vjs audio is for djs.
IMHO who gives a flyin' monkeys bollock as long as the tunes your hearin' are blindin' and your havin' a good night oot ... SIMPLE AS ... END OF ...