House of Flying Daggers Not as good as Hero, think Tarantino defs made the difference there. Very nice to look at, couple of good posters in there but went on a bit..and a bit more..and a bit more.. So, out of 5 methinks
I thought the film was ace! Saw it over xmas - didnt know it was subtitles but i managed to keep up...just! Thought the martial arts were spot on! 9/10 for me will buy it on VD
Looks just like a Spin-Off from 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon' if u ask me! Werent too fond on that either! didn't make it no but he was involved, that's why it was marketed as tarantino presents hero..
not so he only presented it, this was a marketing ploy so the ignorant yanks would watch a foreign film. nothing more than his name on the box.
havent seen hero of flying daggers was good, but there was too much love story crap for my liking, and it was a bit slow to start. The fight scenes and cinematography were pretty impressive tho.
you cant really say its a spin off, there are hundreds of this kind of film make every year, its just that they dont break over here that often. Its like saying pitch black is a spin off from Die Hard, just because they are action films....
went 2 c it, thought it was going 2 be pretty shit tbh sort of last resort option with it being the only one that suited the time i was ready etc. But suprisingly impressed, subtitles p****d me off a bit, but there wasnt 2 much talking so managed 2 put up with it. Love story was sweet...dragged out alot though :sleep: martial arts scences spot on apart from few of them being a bit far fetched 3 out of 10 :samurai:
without sounding like a pretentious twat, if you go to see a japanese film, made in japan by a japanese director and starring japanese actors, do you really expect it to be in english... and characters flying through the air at 110mph while doing back flips is a staple feature of any kung fu flick..realism doesn't come into it... someone is going to tell me it's a korean director or summat now aren't they
here here! Theres nothing more insulting than dubbed foreign films, who wants to hear some out of sync dub with some shit substitue for the original actors... Theres nothing better than watchign a subtitled film and getting so into it that you forget its subtitled ps.the films from hong kong